6x6 Display Area
Artwork categories include wildlife, nature landscapes, flowers, macro, and animals.
No pet pictures please
Thank you for choosing to display your artwork at Beaver Creek's
Wildlife & Nature Photography Art Gallery.
Register Deadline - May 10th, 2023


Items chosen by the artist for display in Wildlife & Nature Art Gallery must remain up for the entire length of the display period, even if sold. If a purchase is made and a buyer would like to take the piece with them, the artist must have another piece of art to replace the one that has been removed.
The exhibiting artist agrees to hold harmless BCWEC, the hosting agents, employees, and volunteers from Wildlife & Nature Photography Facebook group of any and all claims, demands, and damages, including but not limited to theft, fire, vandalism, malicious mischief, and liabilities or suit of any kind whatsoever arising from or due to the exhibiting artist’s display
Each piece of artwork will need wire attached to back for hanging.
On back of each image, please include your full name, address, phone number, and dollar amount to sell.
You can set up your display Saturday morning @8am, or make arrangements to drop off your artwork at the Beaver Creek Wildlife Educational Center a few days before the event:
12884 Echo Dell Rd, East Liverpool, OH 43920​
ALL artwork must be picked up Sunday July 31st from 4pm-5pm
Anything NOT picked up will be donated.
6x6 - $50
It will be the responsibility of each artist to fill their section with as many prints that will fit pending on size.
6'x6'' = @ 8-18 pieces (size dependent)
Contact Info
Wildlife & Nature Photography Group
Charles 330.881.9306
Beaver Creek Wildlife Educational Center
Kathy - beavercreekw@aol.com